Umino (v2.7.0) Multipurpose Shopify Themes OS 2.0 – RTL Support Nulled

Umino Multipurpose Shopify Themes OS 2.0 – RTL Support Free Download v2.7.0 | Umino Multipurpose Shopify Themes OS 2.0 – RTL Support Nulled v2.7.0, a professional, highly optimized, and lightweight Shopify theme that can radically transform the aesthetics and functionality of your eCommerce store. Suitable for businesses of all types, Umino is equipped with an array of features and design options that imbue your eCommerce store with a contemporary, professional appeal. It is packed with innovative features and superior options that can escalate your business to newer heights.

A standout attribute of Umino Free Download is its distinction as the first Shopify theme that adheres to Shopify standards on Themeforest, making it a dependable choice for your online enterprise. The robust code optimization guarantees swift load times and a seamless user experience, thus enabling your site to attain top scores on GTmetrix and Google Speed for site loading speed.

Umino Multipurpose Shopify Themes OS 2.0 – RTL Support Nulled also prioritizes SEO optimization, enhancing your site’s visibility and elevating its search rankings. What sets it apart is its premium support for resolving queries and addressing issues. It also offers numerous premium features to augment your store’s functionality, ensuring an enriched mobile version for a flawless shopping experience across all devices.

Boasting a user-friendly and highly customizable template, Umino promotes a responsive design and mobile-first design, along with extraordinary UI/UX. It’s compliant with Shopify’s highest standards for Quality, Design, and Performance, while offering Google’s rich product snippets and validated HTML5 code. Additionally, it supports multiple languages and RTL, enhancing the user experience further.

The theme introduces 20+ captivating homepage layouts, multiple layout options for product and collection pages, and easy one-click installation and checkout. Umino is fully compatible with Shopify OS 2.0 and supports GDPR Cookie Popup, Add to Cart Sticky, Stock Countdown, and various product options.

Social sharing features, Ajax: Product Filter, Add to Cart, Wishlist and Compare, and a rich product media make Umino a comprehensive solution for all your eCommerce needs. It also offers infinite scroll and load more options on the collection page, live chat, a smart search bar, and real-time visitor tracking. Choose Umino Nulled, and empower your business with a theme designed for success.


Changelog Umino – Multipurpose Shopify Theme Nulled

Version 2.7.0 - Added and update function
Jun 23, 2024


Filter and sort in page search

Library for 360-degree images


Section product single


Product page template


Version 2.6.0 - Update and fix bug
May 21, 2024


Option setting color product custom badge

Update function:

Section video support popup video youtube, vimeo

Fix mirror bugs:

Variant image group

Popup support video youtube and vimeo

Block stock-countdown in section product summary

Cart edit not showing image

Menu dropdown not showing menu item

Version 2.5.1 - One click import and update, fix bug
May 13, 2024

Add translate in admin setting 

Add new funtion: One click import and one click update

Fix mirror bugs:

Button buy now disbaled in product page
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