Iconic Wishlists for WooCommerce (v1.5.4)[Activated] Free Download


E-commerce, businesses continuously strive for ways to keep their customers engaged, loyal, and eager to return. The “Iconic Wishlists for WooCommerce Free Download v1.5.4 | Iconic Wishlists for WooCommerce Nulled v1.5.4 plugin proves to be a groundbreaking tool in this pursuit. Designed meticulously for the WooCommerce platform, this wishlist plugin caters to both the needs of the store owner and the aspirations of the customer.


A wishlist is more than just a collection of desired items; it’s a reflection of a shopper’s aspirations, tastes, and future plans. Recognizing this, “Wishlists for WooCommerce Nulled” allows customers to create multiple wishlists, tailor-made for various occasions, be it birthdays, anniversaries, or festive seasons. This feature not only keeps your store in the customer’s mind but also amplifies the chances of repeat purchases.

What sets this plugin apart is its emphasis on customization and specificity. Shoppers can add specific product variations, ensuring that the blue dress in size M or the wireless earbuds in matte black are precisely what makes it to their wishlist. This level of specificity enhances user satisfaction and reduces post-purchase dissonance.

Moreover, in today’s social age, the ability to share is vital. Customers aren’t just building wishlists for themselves; they’re curating them for friends, family, and sometimes even their followers. The plugin’s sharing feature, which integrates seamlessly with major social platforms, makes gifting and social sharing a breeze.

For store owners, the familiar admin interface ensures there’s no steep learning curve. Coupled with the optimized design, it ensures that customers have a seamless experience, from adding products to sharing their lists.


Wishlists for WooCommerce Free Download” ; it’s a strategy. A strategy to enhance user engagement, elevate the shopping experience, and ultimately, boost sales. With a 30-day money-back guarantee and world-class support, it’s an investment every WooCommerce store should consider.

Iconic Wishlists for WooCommerce Changelog

  • v1.5.1 (31 Aug 2023)
  • FixFix license validation issues and type errors
  • v1.5.0 (24 Aug 2023)
  • NewNew licensing system
  • FixAdmin: View URL on the wishlist page
  • v1.4.6 (21 Jul 2023)
  • UpdateUpdated Iconic dependencies.
  • v1.4.5 (5 Jul 2023)
  • UpdateUpdated dependencies
  • v1.4.4 (1 Jun 2023)
  • NewDeclared compatibility with WooCommerce’s HPOS feature
  • v1.4.3 (18 Nov 2022)
  • FixVariations can now be removed from wishlists
  • v1.4.2 (12 Oct 2022)
  • FixProduct variation attributes have been restored in wishlist links
  • v1.4.1 (12 Aug 2022)
  • FixFixed a bug causing a redirect loop when accessing the /find/ endpoint
  • v1.4.0 (27 Apr 2022)
  • NewAdded a new getting started tab to the plugin settings.
  • UpdatePlugin codebase is now compliant with coding standards.
  • v1.3.0 (1 Mar 2022)
  • UpdateUpdated Freemius SDK.
  • v1.2.0 (11 Jan 2022)
  • NewAdded compatibility with the WooCommerce Product Table plugin
  • FixSilenced error notice if wishlist variable not set
  • v1.1.0 (28 Sept 2021)
  • UpdateAdded new filters iconic_ww_wishlist_privacy_status and iconic_ww_template_file_path
  • FixIf select2 CSS is dequeued do not block plugin CSS
  • v1.0.6 (24 Apr 2020)
  • UpdateUpdate dependencies
  • UpdateVersion compatibility
  • v1.0.5 (20 Mar 2020)
  • UpdateVersion compatibility
  • v1.0.4 (13 Dec 2019)
  • UpdateRedirect to the right page after deactivating
  • UpdateUpdate dependencies
  • FixFix menu title for Wishlists page
  • FixIssue with Flatsome “ArgumentCountError”
  • v1.0.3 (1 July 2019)
  • FixFreemius Fix
  • v1.0.2 (2 Mar 2019)
  • FixSecurity Fix
  • v1.0.1 (6 Dec 2018)
  • UpdateUpdate dependencies
  • v1.0.0 (7 Nov 2018)
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